
This week in my Family Relations class we talked about parenting. For myself I was really excited to be able to talk about his topic. Cause I think it’s something that most people can take something away from. For example, if you want to raise your own family most parents want the best for their children and sometimes it can become very stressful thinking about how they want to parent their child. It is scary because there is always that uncertainty because you don’t know how your child will end up. Or even if you don’t have a family and don’t really think that you want to raise a family, I think learning about parenting can be useful because you can evaluate the way your parents raised you and evaluate if some of their parenting styles have shaped you into the person that you are today. But some good points that were discussed in class was letting your children have some choices while growing up but not too many and ways to create responsible adults, so the child doesn't have to rely on their parents for the rest of their lives. Though parenting can be scary, some important ways to help children make their own choices and to help form responsible adults in society. 

When it comes to parenting it is really important to be able to help your kids be able to learn to make choices. But it is also important to find a balance between having no choices at all and not having all the choices they can and having them handed to him. If you were to give your gift no choice on what they do in their life first off it can make it hard for them to make some certain decisions when they’re adults cause they won’t have their mommy and daddy to do it for them. Or for some kids because they don’t get a choice, many kids will do whatever it takes to do the opposite of what their parents want them to do. But if you were able to give them all the choices in the world without any boundaries. It can make many kids turn into spoiled little brats that get whatever they want. Soon then it will  be the kids that are controlling the parents instead of the parents trying to control their children. But when you are able to find a positive balance between the two it can help kids see the boundaries that they have that they can’t just have everything if they just ask for it. But it also helps them to learn how to make their own decisions so when they get out in the real world they are able to make the decisions that they need to make that are best for them. 

When raiding children it is important to be able to raise responsible adults that will work in society. I think one of the best ways that any parents can make their child responsible is by letting them face consequences for their actions and that they get what they work for. That the parents can’t bail them out for everything and that they also need to look out for themselves. This is because when you are an adult you won’t always have your mom and dad leaning to make sure you do the right thing. My own experience when I was growing up was that my parents taught me about the consequences that I would get from making good choices and bad choices. So they always told me that I was responsible for my own school work. They weren’t the ones to remind me if I had homework or a test. Though I guess it would be nice to have someone reminding you the things that need to get done. But because of this experience I found that I became a lot more self reliant, independent and grew a high work ethic. That I could ask my parents for help if I was having a harder time on something like needing help with studying for a test but I had to learn to ask when I needed help. Or when I would forget a homework assignment it was a great way for me to learn that the thing I do and don’t have consequences and that I had to learn the consequences for missing an assignment. 

Thought parenting can be a scary thing, because everyone wants what’s best for their kids. But something that I think is important for all parents to remember is that they can’t always be their for their kids no matter what they do growing up and learning to do things on their own and be more self reliant. With finding your own parenting style and finding certain balances on helping your children become good members of society by making them responsible and capable of making their own decisions. 



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